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PROARMS ARMORY s.r.o. was established as a specialized company for the production of PAR Mk3 rifles, special accessories and accessories for weapons and shooters. We have high-quality, modern machine facilities, test tunnel, development workshop and other top-quality equipment that is necessary to ensure the highest quality of our products. PROARMS ARMORY employs professionals with years of experience in the field of weapons development and production, trade, shooting and special forces units.
Toušeňská 431
250 81 Nehvizdy
Czech Republic
IČO: 28451589
DIČ – VAT: CZ28451589
Firma zapsaná Městským soudem v Praze odd. C, vl. 142493
Visits to the company's headquarters are possible only after prior agreement and reservation.
E-mail: info@proarms-armory.com